- Cursor 智能代码编辑器的使用
- 针对 LLM 的 OWASP 十大漏洞
- 解决 OWASP Top 10 风险
- Architect defense-in-depth security for generative AI applications using the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs
- Using Transformers.js for AI in the Browser:Transformers.js 旨在在功能上与 Hugging Face 的 “transformers” Python 库等效,这意味着你可以使用非常相似的应用程序编程接口(API)运行相同的预训练模型。
- RAG七十二式:2024年度RAG清单:2024年度典型的RAG系统和论文
- The 2025 AI Engineer Reading List:50篇AI论文
- NGINX 专业概念文章合集
- Nginx Logging: A Comprehensive Guide:Nginx 日志记录:全面指南
- Run your Next.js SSR app on Deno Deploy:在 Deno Deploy 上运行你的 Next.js 服务端渲染应用。
- CSS for printing to paper:【英】本文介绍了一些控制网页打印时外观的 CSS 基础知识,以及一些提示和技巧
- A simple timeline using CSS flexbox:用 flex 写时间轴
- Puzzle shapes using CSS mask:CSS 实现拼图效果
- A Modern CSS Reset:新的css重置代码
- 5 best practices for preventing chaos in Tailwind CSS
- Styling Tables the Modern CSS Waycss table
- Making SVG Loading Spinners: An Interactive Guide svg loading
- How to use CSS Grid
- concrete.cssCss 框架
- LocalStorage vs. IndexedDB vs. Cookies vs. OPFS vs. WASM-SQLite:浏览器各种存储方式
- Learn TypeScript – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
- Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to JavaScript Sets
- 50 TypeScript F*ck Ups50 个 ts 槽点?
- React is (becoming) a Full-Stack Framework
- React 19 RC Upgrade Guide:React 19 升级指南
- Guide to Error & Exception Handling in React:React 错误处理指南
- 101 React Tips & Tricks For Beginners To Experts
- How to Set Up Next.js 15 for Production in 2024:教程,Next.js 15 开发指南
- git bisect :git bisect 是 Git 中一个非常有用的功能,它通过二分查找算法帮助你快速定位引入错误的提交。
- How we shrunk our Javascript monorepo git size by 94%:使用
git repack
命令使 git 大小减小 94% - Git Worktree
- Inside .git.git 的目录结构全解析
- Web Components with Lit:使用 Lit 构建 Web 组件
- Vitest vs. Jest:两种测试框架的对比
- 13 Super Useful Chrome Plugins for Front-End Developers:13个有用的浏览器插件
- 深入高可用系统原理与设计:一本关于架构设计的开源书籍。
- Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring:【英】好的重构与坏的重构
- Build a daily workout tracker with Clerk, Convex, and Expo:Learn how to build a full stack application using React Native, Expo, Convex, and Clerk.
- Talk notes: Let’s make a simpler, more accessible web
- Font with Built-In Syntax Highlighting
- Visual explanation of SAML authentication 讲身份验证,单点登录
- Linking Directly to Web Page Content:通过设置url的参数,可在进入页面时高亮页面内容
- Text fragments:Text fragments allow linking directly to a specific portion of text in a web document, without requiring the author to annotate it with an ID, using particular syntax in the URL fragment.